Actually i bought this when I went to madeira, but i thought that it was to genius, to not blog about.
So this is one of the three lipgloss sets from A Tartan Tale, and i think it's absolutely beautiful!! But now i'm goin' to tell you a bit about the colors. 1) The first one is very nude pink, kind of a baby pink. It's without glitter. 2) The second one is kind of peachy pink, very light, but still peachy. It's also without glitter. 3) The third one is also kind of peachy pink, but it's more pink, than the other one. This one is with glitter. 4) The fourth one is very light and glittery, so it almost just look like glitter on your lips. It's with glitter. 5) The fifth one is very dark brown, but i doesn't look so dark one your lips. It's with glitter.
XoXo Nina (sorry for the long text) |
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