tirsdag den 28. juni 2011

Eating Thai, While Waiting To Go There!

Hey There!
Some days ago I went to eat some food with my mom and sister (on the picture) And it was very delicious! The restaurant is called Thai Pan, and it's located at Peblinge Sø ( Well most danish people probably know where it is ) The restaurant is kind of cheap, but the money really pays of!

I'm still excited about going to thailand, not like my year haven't been flying enough ( Madeira, Argentina, bolivia, honduras, Oslo And New york ) but this time it is different.. The reason we are going to Thailand, is because my daddy is getting married down there! I'm also bringing one of my good friend called August, so it's going to be great!

XoXo Nina

2 kommentarer:

  1. Heey Nina! Hvornår slutter din konkurrece?? ;)

  2. Jeg ved godt jeg burde have sluttet den for lidt tid siden, men jeg tror jeg slutter den mens jeg er her nede, og sender neglelakkerne, når jeg kommer hjem:)

